

Billy Apple: Sound Works 1968-2015

Billy Apple: Sound Works 1968-2015

Black Rainbow: Ralph Hotere and Michael Parekowhai

Black Rainbow: Ralph Hotere and Michael Parekowhai

Caroline McQuarrie: No Town

Caroline McQuarrie: No Town

Daniel Malone: Titirangi Apocrypha

Daniel Malone: Titirangi Apocrypha

Five by Five: New Conversations with Clay

Five by Five: New Conversations with Clay

His Own Steam: A Barry Brickell Survey

His Own Steam: A Barry Brickell Survey

Homeworld: Kathy Barry and Isobel Thom

Homeworld: Kathy Barry and Isobel Thom

IOIOIOIOIOIO: Fred Harrison and Tracey Tawhiao

IOIOIOIOIOIO: Fred Harrison and Tracey Tawhiao

Judy Millar:he Model World

Judy Millar:he Model World



Seung Yul Oh: HaaPoom

Seung Yul Oh: HaaPoom

Shannon Novak: Cryptocosmos

Shannon Novak: Cryptocosmos

Takeshi Yasuda: Recent Work

Takeshi Yasuda: Recent Work

The Brain

The Brain

The Kauri Project: A Delicate Balance

The Kauri Project: A Delicate Balance

Tiffany Singh: Life is but a Vapour

Tiffany Singh: Life is but a Vapour