Whau the People: Residents in Residence
Time and location
07 August - 28 August 2014
Residents in Residence is a show about local artists making work in and about their community.
For their last month in New Lynn, Lopdell House Gallery are joining forces with local arts collective Whau the People, encouraging them to take over their building and make the exhibition spaces their own. For the duration of this show, the galleries will continuously shift and change with contributions from Whau the People and other fellow resident artists. The particular focus of this evolving show is looking forward to the Whau Arts Festival in October – How can people and places throughout Avondale and the wider Whau area be engaged and activated through a range of art projects?
Whau the People will be present in the gallery on Wednesdays and Fridays, activating the gallery as a studio and workspace. The collective will also be running Thursday evening open sessions (5-7pm) throughout August, timed to coincide with the weekly New Lynn Night Markets – keep an eye on the gallery’s website and Facebook page for programming updates as the project evolves.
Whau the People are an Avondale based interdisciplinary arts collective: Janet Lilo, Leilani Tamu, Bronwyn Bent, Jody McMillan and Sam Morrison.