Lonnie Hutchinson and Reuben Paterson: Relative Reciprocity
Time and location
24 June - 27 August 2017
Lonnie Hutchinson (Ng?i Tahu, Samoan) and Reuben Paterson (Ng?i T?hoe, Ng?ti Rangitihi, Scottish) are renowned contemporaries; two artists who have firmly embedded M?ori and Polynesian world-views and visual languages into their practices.
Lonnie Hutchinson’s practice recalls M?ori and Polynesian craft and decorative histories to explore how spaces are defined and distributed, with a particular interest in spaces that occupy a middle ground between time, people and place. Though her work spans disciplines, from architecture to sculpture to digital animation, her most characteristic works are decorative cut outs made from black builders paper.
Reuben Paterson’s work, from paintings to large-scale public installations, is immediately recognisable for his use of glitter and diamond dust. These materials are deployed by Paterson not just as a playful transformation of recognisable decorative motifs — including k?whaiwhai patterns, retro floral textile designs, and geometric tessellations — but also a deliberate exploration of glitter’s optical potential and the socio-political connotations of sparkly adornment.
This exhibition brings their work together to explore the recurring aesthetic, political and spiritual use of light and darkness that runs through Hutchinson and Paterson’s works.
Lonnie Hutchinson and Reuben Paterson will give an artist talk on Saturday 24 June at 3pm preceeding the official opening at 4pm.
Image: Lonnie Hutchinson