Learning Centre Gallery 2017

Time and location

02 December - 01 February 2018

Be part of a ground breaking collaboration between the F4 Artist Collective, school children and NIWA scientists who have come together to make the invisible visible. As part of the TEMP project, a project that raises awareness of human impacts on climate change, this exhibition investigates air quality and our impact on our local ecosystem. The TEMP-air team have created a visual and virtual forest filled with native birds and insects. This is the second stage of an innovative, ongoing project using mixed reality, where you can use your phone to see a secret world of sounds and images amongst the trees in the gallery. Visit their webpages: www.otukapua.nz | www.tempauckland.org.nz
16 March – 28 April 2017

Kelston Girls’ College presents a photographic exhibition of still life that reflects the student’s interpretation of what food means to them. Throughout this project these photographers have been privileged to work with numerous professionals. Artist and founder of SaVAge K’lub Rosanna Raymond ran a word workshop which assisted in the writing of their brief, ‘The Creative Souls Project’, and supported some of the students in the creation of their still life arrangements. Finally, they worked alongside photographer Desmond Burdon learning how to photograph their work in context. The result is an intriguingly diverse range of work that celebrates individuality and culture.
A free family drop-in acitivty asks you to sketch your favourite food onto a paper plate to take home. Think about how best to present the food items together just like the beautiful photographs in Project Kai exhibition.
6 May – 9 July

A collection of photographic images created by talented by Zeal Photography students. Zeal, located in Henderson, is a youth organisation premised on the belief that every young person is creative. These creative arts students participated in a 9-week programme learning about SLR camera use and design editing tools.
Throughout this programme they explored ideas of connections with their friends, family, the whenua (land & ocean), culture and community. Reflecting on how different connections affect their wellbeing (positively or negatively). These photographs are their visual interpretation of the meaning of Connection to them as individuals.
15 July – 3 September 2017

By area, Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa (Manukau Harbour) is the second largest harbour in Aotearoa. Loved and enjoyed by many, the harbour has always been a source for food gathering and has long provided the means for navigating the expansive coastline.
Goal #14 of the UN Development Programme’s Sustainable Development Goals is: Life Below Water: To conserve and sustainably use the world’s oceans, seas and marine resources. This underpins the kaupapa of our exhibition and directs our focus to the remediation and restoration of all aspects of the Manukau Harbour.
Photographs from the Auckland Libraries heritage collections form the basis of the exhibition. They serve to illustrate the rich bounty of the harbour in former times and present recorded journeys made across the breadth and length of this waterway.
This exhibition will travel around the edges of the Manukau Harbour as if spread by Te Hau a Uru, the wind that blows from the west, from Titirangi to Waiuku.
Part of the Auckland Heritage Festival 2017
7-28 September 2017

Fly the Flag for Gender Equality is a series of flag installations organised by GirlGuiding NZ to coincide with ‘International Day of the Girl‘ on 11 October.
Girl Guides, schools and community groups across the country have designed flags to represent their thoughts on issues facing girls and equality today. The flags are being displayed in main centres across NZ for the public to view and reflect on the thoughts of our youth on this subject. It is a fantastic time to be a part of New Zealand’s premium empowerment organisation for girls and young women. If you, or someone you know, is interested in joining go to www.girlguidingnz.org.nz/join-us.
“As a global organisation, GirlGuiding NZ is committed to giving girls a voice, and bringing an awareness of issues facing them into local communities. We believe in gender equality, and want to do all we can to make this world an equal one.”
Supported by Artweek Auckland | www.girlguidingnz.org.nz