Judy Millar: Keeping You, You, Keeping Me, Me

Time and location

15 February - 09 April 2007

Keeping You, You, Keeping Me, Me is Judy Millar’s exciting response to her recent experience as the inaugural McCahon House residency artist, living and working in the new studio built next to McCahon House in French Bay, Titirangi.
“When thinking about this new work painted at McCahon House in French Bay I’m inclined to simply say that I’ve come up with a couple of pretty good new tricks. While painting must of course be more than tricks, working in this studio I’ve found new and very direct ways to work with paint; putting paint on and scraping it off with surprisingly entertaining results. Continuing to explore possibilities left in the action painting tradition this show will go further in using gesture not as personal expression but as a basis for social exchange.”
– Judy Millar, McCahon residency artist, 11th January 2007
Image: Judy Millar: Untitled, (2007). Acrylic on paper. – detail